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The questions in which these points are not observed will be archived

Sort by:NameIssue Number
Issue No. 1351Masturbation (Istimnā’)

The Duty of One Who Knows There Is Semen in the Urethra

Issue No. 1351- If a fasting person who had a seminal discharge while sleeping knows that there is semen left in the urethra while knowing that not urinating before performing ghusl will result in semen discharging after performing ghusl, it would be better for him to urinate before performing ghusl; however, it is not obligatory to do so.

Issue No. 1355Ascribing Lies to Allah (swt), His Prophet and the Infallible Imams (ṣ)

One Who Does Not Know whether a Narration Is True

Issue No. 1355- If a person who is fasting wishes to quote something which he does not know whether it is true or false, he should give a reference of the person who reported it, or of the book in which it is written. For example, he should say that such and such narrator says so, or it has been written in such and such books that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said that...

Issue No. 1356Ascribing Lies to Allah (swt), His Prophet and the Infallible Imams (ṣ)

Ascribing a Word to Allah or the Holy Prophet

Issue No. 1356- If a person quotes something as the word of Allah or of the Holy Prophet with the belief that it is true, but realises later that it was untrue, his fast does not become void. But, on the contrary, if he ascribes something to Almighty Allah or the Holy Prophet (pbuh) knowing it to be false and understands later that it was true, his fast is void as an obligatory precaution.

Issue No. 1356Ascribing Lies to Allah (swt), His Prophet and the Infallible Imams (ṣ)

Ascribing a Word to Allah or the Holy Prophet

Issue No. 1356- If a person quotes something as the word of Allah or of the Holy Prophet with the belief that it is true, but realises later that it was untrue, his fast does not become void. But, on the contrary, if he ascribes something to Almighty Allah or the Holy Prophet (pbuh) knowing it to be false and understands later that it was true, his fast is void as an obligatory precaution.

Issue No. 1359Ascribing Lies to Allah (swt), His Prophet and the Infallible Imams (ṣ)

Intentional lying in Quoting the Religious Rulings

Issue No. 1359- If a fasting person intentionally lies in quoting the religious rulings, for example, if he narrates an obligatory thing as a non-obligatory and a haram as a halal, and by this he intends to ascribe it to Almighty Allah or the Holy Prophet (pbuh), his fast is void as an obligatory precaution. However, if his intention is to ascribe the fatwā to a Mujtahid, then he has committed a haram act, but his fast is not void. The same ruling applies also to a person who quotes a doubtful ruling without knowing about it.

Issue No. 1369Immersing One’s Head in Water

Placing the Head in Water Involuntarily

Issue No. 1369- If a person who is fasting falls into the water involuntarily, or if he is shoved and his head is placed under water, or forgets that he is fasting and immerses his head in water, his fast will not be void. However, if he recollects that he is fasting, he should, as an obligatory precaution, take his head out of the water immediately.