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Issue No. 387Ghusl by Immersion

Ghusl by Immersion Done by a Fasting Person or Muḥrim

Issue No.387- The one who is observing an obligatory fast, or has put on the Ihram garment for ḥajj or ‘umrah, should not do ghusl by immersion as an obligatory precaution, and should not submerge his head under water. In case, however, he performs it forgetfully, his ghusl will be in order and it will not harm his fast or his Ihram.

Issue No. 389Ghusl by Immersion

Ṭahārah of Body in Ghusl by Immersion

Issue No.389- In ghusl by immersion, it is necessary, as an obligatory precaution, for the entire body to be ṭāhir. However, such is not necessary for the sequential ghusl, rather, it is sufficient if each part is ṭāhir before performing ghusl on it.

Issue No. 392Rules regarding Ghusl

Removing Hindrances

Issue No.392- At the time of ghusl, one should remove any impediment which prevents water from reaching the body, and if there is reasonable possibility of an impediment, he should investigate and make sure that there is no impediment.

Issue No. 393Rules regarding Ghusl

Wahsing the Hair

Issue No.393- One should wash the short hairs which are deemed as a part of the body. And as an obligatory precaution, it is necessary to wash both long hairs and the skin beneath them.

Issue No. 395Conditions of Ghusl

One Who Does Not Intend to Pay the Owner of a Public Bath

Issue No.395- If a person who uses a public bath for ghusl with the intention of not paying its owner or deferring the payment without certainty of his consent, his ghusl will be void as an obligatory precaution. The same ruling applies if he intends to give him haram money or the money from which he has not paid due khums.

Issue No. 397Conditions of Ghusl

Doubt about Performing Ghusl

Issue No.397- If a person doubts whether he has done ghusl or not, he should perform it, but if after ghusl one doubts whether his ghusl was correct or not, he should not pay heed to his doubt.

قرآن و تفسیر نمونه
مفاتیح نوین
نهج البلاغه
پاسخگویی آنلاین به مسائل شرعی و اعتقادی
آیین رحمت، معارف اسلامی و پاسخ به شبهات اعتقادی
احکام شرعی و مسائل فقهی
کتابخانه مکارم الآثار
خبرگزاری رسمی دفتر آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی
مدرس، دروس خارج فقه و اصول و اخلاق و تفسیر
ویدئوها و محتوای بصری
پایگاه اطلاع رسانی دفتر حضرت آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی مدظله العالی
انتشارات امام علی علیه السلام
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آثارخانه فقاهت