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Issue No. WaṭanCommon Inquiries

11) The Rules of One’s Hometown

11) The Rules of One’s Hometown (Waṭan)A place is considered one’s hometown if it meets one of the following three criteria:1) Having the intention to reside in a place for a lengthy period of time (e.g., a year or more).2) Residing at a location at least three days weekly for a minimum of two years.3) Residing at a location at least four cumulative months of the year (if even sporadically) for a minimum of three years. In any of the aforementioned scenarios, that location will be considered a person’s hometown. Consequentially, prayers and fasts must be fulfilled in their entirety and there will no longer be a need to make a ten-day intention of residence.

Issue No. Kathīr al-SafarCommon Inquiries

12) Frequent Travellers

12) Frequent Travellers (Kathīr al-Safar)A person is considered a “frequent traveler” if they meet one of the follow four criteria:1) If they travel each day of the month—even with the exception of Sundays.2) If, during a 45-day period of time, they travel five days per week.3) If, during a two-month period of time or more, they travel a minimum of three days a week (or 12 days a month).4) If, during a minimum period of two months but no more than two years, they reside at a specific location at least three days per week.In any of the aforementioned scenarios, a person is considered a frequent traveller whose prayers and fasts during the course of travel must be fulfilled in their entirety.

Issue No. Custom OrderCommon Inquiries

32) Istiṣnāʿ

32) Istiṣnāʿ (Custom Order)This is a kind of contract in the field of manufacturing in which a customer places an order with a manufacturer to manufacture some goods with specific characteristics for him. Such a contract is considered to be permissible as long as all the characteristics of the ordered goods are specified.

Issue No. The Rights of PeopleCommon Inquiries

66) How to Compensate for Ḥaqq al-Nās

66) How to compensate for ḥaqq al-nās (the rights of people)Concerning ḥaqq al-nās, if a person has violated the rights of another, they should first attempt to compensate for it or reach a compromise with them. If this is not possible, they should compensate for the other’s loss by means of a third party, deposit into a bank account, or sending a package by mail. If this is also not possible, one may give charity to the needy on behalf of the individual to whom they are indebted.

Issue No. 1885Miscellaneous Of Lease

A Deputy who Hires someone behalf of the Owner

Issue No.1885- If an employer appoints a builder to recruit labourers for him, and if the contractor gets from the employer more than what he pays to the labourers, the amount in excess is haram. However, if the contractor accepts to finish the building with a specific amount of money, which is more than what he spends, there is no harm in taking the amount in excess. Nevertheless, as an obligatory precaution, he himself should undertake some work, whether constructing, supervising or ordering materials.

Issue No. 2276Rules and Conditions Regarding Vow

A Feeble-minded Person Vowing in Financial Cases

Issue No. 2276- A mentally incompetent person who squanders his property for useless purposes or a person who has been prevented by the Islamic judge from making use of his property because of bankruptcy, may not vow in regard to their own properties and it would be void if they do [in regard to their own properties].

Issue No. 2113Breast Feeding

A Girl who has been Suckled by One's Nephew is Mahram

Issue No. 2113- A person becomes maḥram to a girl suckled fully by his sister or his brother’s wife [by the milk relating to the brother] and he cannot marry her. Similarly, if a child has been suckled by one’s niece (the daughter of one’s brother, or sister), or the granddaughter of one’s brother or sister, he becomes maḥram to that girl and cannot marry her.

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