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Sort by:NameIssue Number
Issue No. 2113Breast Feeding

A Girl who has been Suckled by One's Sister or Sister-in-law is Mahram

Issue No. 2113- A person becomes maḥram to a girl suckled fully by his sister or his brother’s wife [by the milk relating to the brother] and he cannot marry her. Similarly, if a child has been suckled by one’s niece (the daughter of one’s brother, or sister), or the granddaughter of one’s brother or sister, he becomes maḥram to that girl and cannot marry her.

Issue No. 156 Consuming Najāsah

A Guest Who Sits on a Najis Carpet with Wet Body or Clothes

Issue No.156- If one notices that someone is eating something najis or is performing prayer in najis clothes unknowingly, it is not incumbent on him to inform the other. However, if a host notices that his guest is going to sit on a najis carpet with wet clothes or body, he should inform him as an obligatory precaution.

Issue No. 1377Remaining in the State of Janābah until the Time of Fajr

A Junub Who Is Certain or Sees a Probability in Waking Up before Fajr

Issue No. 1377- A person who is junub in the night of the month of Ramadan, and is certain or sees a probability in waking up before the fajr before going to sleep; In case he is determined to perform ghusl upon waking up and does not wake up until fajr, his fast will be correct. However, if he does not intend to do ghusl then or is reluctant about it, in such a case, his fast is void as an obligatory precaution if he does not wake up.

Issue No. 1378Remaining in the State of Janābah until the Time of Fajr

A Junub Who Wakes up Several Times before Fajr and Sleeps

Issue No. 1378- If such a person sleeps and wakes up and knows or sees a probability that if he goes to sleep once again he will wake up to perform ghusl before the fajr adhān, and remains asleep till the fajr adhān, he should offer the qaḍā of the fast of that day as an obligatory precaution. The same ruling applies if he sleeps for the third time and does not wake up. However, kaffāra does not become obligatory in any of these cases.

Issue No. 1745The Rules Regarding Istita'at (Capable of Performing Hajj)

A Mostati'e who Loses His/Her Physical Power

Issue No. 1745- If a person who is mustaṭī‘ does not perform ḥajj and later loses his physical ability in a way that he loses hope in performing ḥajj in person, he should hire someone else to perform ḥajj on his behalf. However, if a person is financially capable and cannot perform ḥajj due to old age or sickness, it will not be obligatory on him to perform ḥajj but the recommended precaution is that he should hire someone else to perform it on his behalf.

Issue No. 788A Nanny

A Nanny’s Clothes

Issue No.788- Fifth: A nanny, who is not able to easily have ṭāhir clothes for prayer, can perform prayer with najis clothes if she cannot easily have ṭāhir clothes for prayer, if she washes her clothes once in 24 hours, even if her clothes become najis with the urine of a child. However, she should, as an obligatory precaution, wash her clothes for the first prayer which she offers.

قرآن و تفسیر نمونه
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نهج البلاغه
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کتابخانه مکارم الآثار
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