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Issue No. 2328Rules Regarding Will

Acceptance is not Necessary In Tamlikiyah

Issue No. 2328- If a person makes a Will that something from his property should be given to someone, that thing becomes his property after the death of the testator and acceptance will not be necessary either. However, if that person rejects it during the lifetime of the testator, the obligatory precaution is that he should not appropriate that property as a possessor.

Issue No. 2329Person's Duty When Observing the Signs of Death

Returning the Things Held In Trust to Their Owners

Issue No. 2329- When a person sees signs of death in himself, he should immediately return the things held in trust by him to their owners. And if he is indebted to others, and the time for repayment of the debt has matured, he should repay the debt. And if he is not in a position to repay the debt or the time for its repayment has not yet matured, he should make a Will, and if he is not sure that they will act according to his Will, he should make a Will in the presence of witnesses for its repayment. However, if he is certain that his heirs will repay his debts, it is not necessary to make a Will.

Issue No. 2329Person's Duty When Observing the Signs of Death

Repaying the Debts That Is Their Due Time

Issue No. 2329- When a person sees signs of death in himself, he should immediately return the things held in trust by him to their owners. And if he is indebted to others, and the time for repayment of the debt has matured, he should repay the debt. And if he is not in a position to repay the debt or the time for its repayment has not yet matured, he should make a Will, and if he is not sure that they will act according to his Will, he should make a Will in the presence of witnesses for its repayment. However, if he is certain that his heirs will repay his debts, it is not necessary to make a Will.

Issue No. 2330Person's Duty When Observing the Signs of Death

If One Debts Khums, Zakat or Mazaalim, Pays it or does will to Pay

Issue No. 2330- If a person who sees signs of death in himself has a debt of khums, zakāt and maẓālim or has other liabilities, he should make necessary payments at once. And in case he cannot make payments and if he owns property or there is a probability that his friends or relatives will make these payments, he (the person in his deathbed) should make a Will in this regard. The same rule applies if he has obligatory ḥajj on him or lapsed fasts and prayers; the obligatory precaution is that he should make a Will (taking into account what was said earlier about the rules of hired prayers and fasts).

Issue No. 2330Person's Duty When Observing the Signs of Death

To Will about Obligatory Hajj or Delayed Complementary

Issue No. 2330- If a person who sees signs of death in himself has a debt of khums, zakāt and maẓālim or has other liabilities, he should make necessary payments at once. And in case he cannot make payments and if he owns property or there is a probability that his friends or relatives will make these payments, he (the person in his deathbed) should make a Will in this regard. The same rule applies if he has obligatory ḥajj on him or lapsed fasts and prayers; the obligatory precaution is that he should make a Will (taking into account what was said earlier about the rules of hired prayers and fasts).

Issue No. 2331Person's Duty When Observing the Signs of Death

One Should Inform the Heirs the Place of His Concealing Properties

Issue No. 2331- If a person who observes signs of death in himself has deposited some property with some other person or has concealed it in a place of which his heirs are not aware, and if owing to the ignorance of the heirs their right is lost, he should inform them about it. And if he has minor children and it is possible that their property may perish or they themselves may be lost without a legal guardian, he should appoint an honest guardian for them.

Issue No. 2331Person's Duty When Observing the Signs of Death

He Should Appoint a Guardian for His Minor Children

Issue No. 2331- If a person who observes signs of death in himself has deposited some property with some other person or has concealed it in a place of which his heirs are not aware, and if owing to the ignorance of the heirs their right is lost, he should inform them about it. And if he has minor children and it is possible that their property may perish or they themselves may be lost without a legal guardian, he should appoint an honest guardian for them.

Issue No. 2333Rules Regarding Will

If a Person Appoints Several Executors for Himself

Issue No. 2333- If a person appoints more than one executor, allowing each of them to execute the Will independently, it will not be necessary that they should obtain permission from one another for the execution of the Will. And if he has not accorded any such permission whether he has or has not said that both of them should execute the Will jointly, they should execute the Will in consultation with one another. And if they are not prepared to execute the Will jointly or they differ in distinguishing the good, and if this causes the Will to be left unexecuted or delayed, the Mujtahid or his representative should take the necessary steps so that the execution of the Will is not halted.

Issue No. 2334Rules Regarding Will

Retrieving from Will

Issue No. 2334- If a person revokes his Will; for example if he says that 1⁄3 of his property should be given to a person and then says that it should not be given to him, the Will becomes void. And if he changes his Will, e.g., he appoints a legal guardian for his minor children and then replaces him with another person, his first Will becomes void and his second Will should be acted upon. And if he also conducts himself in a manner which shows that he has drawn back from his Will, for example, if he sells the house which he had willed to give away to someone, or appoints someone as his agent to sell it, the Will becomes void.

Issue No. 2337Rules Regarding Will

To Will about One Third

Issue No. 2337- If a person makes a Will that 1/3 of his property should be retained and its income should be spent for some particular purpose, his instructions should be followed.

Issue No. 2338Rules Regarding Will

To Confess to Debt during Sickness which Leads in Death

Issue No. 2338- If a person says during an ailment of which he dies that he owes some amount to someone, and if it is alleged that he has said this to harm his heirs, the portion specified by him should be given out of 1/3 of his property and if he is not accused of any such thing his admission is valid and the payment should be made out of his entire estate.

قرآن و تفسیر نمونه
مفاتیح نوین
نهج البلاغه
پاسخگویی آنلاین به مسائل شرعی و اعتقادی
آیین رحمت، معارف اسلامی و پاسخ به شبهات اعتقادی
احکام شرعی و مسائل فقهی
کتابخانه مکارم الآثار
خبرگزاری رسمی دفتر آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی
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