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Issue No. 2355Inheritance of the First Group

If the Heir Is One Person of the First Group

Issue No.2355- If out of the first group, there is only one heir of the deceased (for example, the father or mother or only one son or only one daughter) he/she inherits the entire property. In case there is more than one son or daughter, the property will be divided among them equally. However, if there are both sons and daughters, the property is divided among them in such a way that each son gets twice the share of each daughter.

Issue No. 2355Inheritance of the First Group

If the Heirs are Several Sons and Daughters

Issue No.2355- If out of the first group, there is only one heir of the deceased (for example, the father or mother or only one son or only one daughter) he/she inherits the entire property. In case there is more than one son or daughter, the property will be divided among them equally. However, if there are both sons and daughters, the property is divided among them in such a way that each son gets twice the share of each daughter.

Issue No. 2355Inheritance of the First Group

If the Heirs are Either Son and Daughter

Issue No.2355- If out of the first group, there is only one heir of the deceased (for example, the father or mother or only one son or only one daughter) he/she inherits the entire property. In case there is more than one son or daughter, the property will be divided among them equally. However, if there are both sons and daughters, the property is divided among them in such a way that each son gets twice the share of each daughter.

Issue No. 2356Inheritance of the First Group

If the Heirs Are Only the Parents of the Deceased

Issue No.2356- If the father and the mother of a deceased are his only heirs, the property is divided into three parts, out of which two parts are taken by the father and one by the mother. If the deceased has two brothers or four sisters, or one brother and two sisters, who are all from the same parents or are related to him from the side of the father only, the mother gets one-sixth of the property and the rest is inherited by the father.

Issue No. 2357Inheritance of the First Group

If the Heirs Are Only Parents and a Daughter

Issue No.2357- If the heirs of a deceased are only his father, mother and his one daughter, the property will be divided into five parts, out of which the father and the mother take one share each, and the remaining three shares are taken by the daughter. In case the deceased has two brothers or four sisters or one brother and two sisters from the same father of the deceased, the property will be divided into six parts. The father and mother will each take one part, and three parts will be taken by the daughter. As regards the remaining one part, the father and the daughter will divide it between themselves, and as a recommended precaution they should make a compromise in this division.

Issue No. 2358Inheritance of the First Group

If the Heirs Are Only Parents and a Son

Issue No.2358- If the heirs of the deceased are his father, mother and one son only, the property is divided into six parts, from which one is taken by the father and one by the mother, and four by the son. In case, the deceased has several sons or daughters, they divide the said four parts equally among them. If, however, he has several sons and daughters, the four shares are divided among them in such a way that each son gets double the share of each daughter.

Issue No. 2363Inheritance of the First Group

If The Deceased Has no Progeny

Issue No.2363- If the deceased has no children, his son’s child (though it may be a daughter) gets the share of the deceased person’s son, and the child of his daughter (though it may be a boy) gets the share of the daughter of the deceased.

Issue No. 2365Inheritance of the Second Group

If The Heirs Are Only One Brother and One Sister

Issue No.2365- If the heir of the deceased is only one brother or only one sister, he or she inherits the entire property, and if there are several full-blood brothers alone or several full-blood sisters alone, they divide the property equally among themselves. However, if he has several full-blood brothers together with some full-blood sisters, every brother gets double the share of a sister.

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