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Issue No. 1616Zakat of Gold and Silver

Taxable Limit of Silver

Issue No. 1616- Silver also has two taxable limits:The first taxable limit is 140 mithqāls (equal to 483.84 gms). When the quantity of silver reaches that limit, and other conditions are also present, one should pay one-fortieth (2.5%) of it as zakāt, and if the quantity of silver does not reach the aforesaid limit, it is not obligatory to pay zakāt on it.The second taxable limit of silver is when there is an addition of 28 mithqāls (equal to 96.76 gms). Therefore if an addition of 28 mithqāls takes place to 140 mithqāls, the person concerned should pay zakāt on 168 mithqāls, and if the addition is less than 28 mithqāls, he should pay zakāt on 140 mithqāls only and no zakāt is payable on the additional quantity. The same rule applies as and when further additions take place in the quantity of silver. However, in order for the calculation to be easy, if a person gives 2.5% of the gold or silver, which he possesses, he has paid the zakāt, which was obligatory on him, and sometimes he pays even more than the obligatory quantity.

Issue No. 1621Conditions upon which Paying Zakat of Gold and Silver is Obligatory

When a Person Possesses a Taxable Limit for a Whole Year

Issue No. 1621- Another condition is that one should possess the taxable limit of gold or silver for a whole year; if he enters the twelfth month, he should, as an obligatory precaution, pay its zakāt. In case, he sells it before the end of the eleventh month or if it falls below the taxable limit, or if it is not at his disposal, it is not obligatory for him to pay zakāt. The same goes if he exchanges it with something else or if he melts it. However, if he changes some gold and silver coins with other gold and silver coins, he should, as an obligatory precaution, pay its zakāt.

Issue No. 1627Zakat on Livestock (Animals)

To Rent or Purchase the Pasture

Issue No. 1627- zakāt should be paid on these animals even though one might have purchased or leased a pasture in order for them to graze, which has not been cultivated by anyone or if he bears expenses for grazing them in it. Of course, these expenses can be deducted.

Issue No. 1629Taxable Limit of Sheep

It is not Necessary to Pay the Zakat from the same Sheeps

Issue No. 1629- It is not necessary to give the zakāt from the same sheep. It is permissible if some other sheep are given. Also, it is permissible to give money equal to the price of the sheep, cows and camels, and if the animal is more useful for the recipient of zakāt, the obligatory precaution is to give him the animal.

Issue No. 1630Zakat on Livestock (Animals)

Taxable Limit of Cows

Issue No. 1630- Cows have two taxable limits:The first taxable limit is 30 cows. If the number of cows owned by a person reaches 30, and if other conditions mentioned earlier are also fulfilled, he should give as zakāt a calf, either male or female, which has entered at least the second year of its life.The second taxable limit is 40, and its zakāt is a female calf, which has entered at least the 3rd year of its life. There is no zakāt payable when the number of the cows is between 30 and 40. For example, if a person possesses 35 cows, he should pay zakāt on 30 cows only. Furthermore, if he possesses more than 40 cows but their number does not reach 60, he should pay zakāt on 40 cows only. In case their number reaches 60, he should give as zakāt 2 calves, which have entered the second year of their lives. Similarly, as the number of cows increases, he should calculate either in thirties or in forties or from both 30 and 40 (in possible cases), and should pay zakāt in accordance with the rule explained above. However, he should calculate in such a way that there should be no remainder, or if there is a remainder, it should not exceed nine. For example, if he has 70 cows, he should calculate in 30 and 40 and pay the prescribed zakāt of each one, and the person who has 80 cows, he should pay two calves as prescribed above as zakāt.

Issue No. 1631Zakat on Livestock (Animals)

Taxable Limit of Camels

Issue No. 1631- Camels have 12 taxable limits:1) 5 camels, and the zakāt on them is one sheep. As long as the number of camels does not reach five, no zakāt is payable on them.2) 10 camels, and the zakāt on them is two sheep.3) 15 camels, and the zakāt on them is three sheep.4) 20 camels, and the zakāt on them is four sheep.5) 25 camels, and the zakāt on them is five sheep. 6) 26 camels, and the zakāt on them is a camel, which has entered the second year of its life.7) 36 camels, and the zakāt on them is a camel, which has entered the third year of its life.8) 46 camels, and the zakāt on them is a camel, which has entered the fourth year of its life.9) 61 camels, and the zakāt on them is a camel, which has entered the fifth year of its life.10) 76 camels, and the zakāt on them is two camels, which have entered the third year of their life.11) 91 camels, and the zakāt on them is two camels, which have entered the fourth year of their life.12) 121 camels or more. In this case, the person concerned should either calculate the camels by 40, and for each set of forty camels, give a camel which has entered the third year of its life, or calculate them by 50 and give as zakāt for every 50 camels, a camel which has entered the fourth year of its life, or he may calculate them by both 40 and 50. However, in every case he should calculate in such a way that there should be no remainder and even if there is remainder, it should not exceed nine. The camel to be given by way of zakāt should be a female.

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