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Issue No. 217Inqilāb (Change)

When Grapes with Stems Are Used in Preparing Vinegar

Issue No.217- If grapes are used in preparing vinegar along with their stems, and their juice usually turns into liquor before turning into vinegar, the stems will be ṭāhir after it turns to vinegar. However, if cucumber or eggplant and similar things are added to it, it is necessary to avoid it as an obligatory precaution.

Issue No. 235Removal of Original Najāsah

When the Inner Parts of the Human Body Become Najis

Issue No.235- The inner parts of the human body (like the inside of the mouth or nose), become ṭāhir after the removal of a najāsah. Hence, if gums bleed and the blood disappears in saliva or he spits the blood out rinsing the mouth will not be necessary. Therefore, in general if something comes into contact with a najāsah in someone's inner parts it does not become najis. However, if artificial teeth become najis they should be rinsed, as a recommended precaution.

Issue No. 236Removal of Original Najāsah

When Food Remaining in the Mouth Becomes Najis

Issue No.236- If some particles of food remain in one's mouth or between the teeth and then blood comes out, as long as he does not know whether or not the blood has reached those particles, they are ṭāhir. Furthermore, if blood reaches them they do not become najis it however would be haram to eat them unless the blood disappears in the food.

Issue No. 258Washing the Face

Duty of People with Abnormal Faces or Hands

Issue No.258- If the fingers of a person are larger or smaller than normal, he should see how much of their faces ordinary people normally wash and follow accordingly. Similarly, if he has hair on his forehead, or the frontal part of his head is bald, he should wash his forehead as is usually washed by people.

Issue No. 260Washing the Face

Making Water Reach the Face Skin

Issue No.260- Those who have a beard, if the skin of the face is visible from under the hair, one should make the water reach the skin, and if it is not visible, it is sufficient to wash the hair, and it is not necessary to make the water reach beneath the hair.

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