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Qaḍā of worships of an ill person who has died

My father had a stroke 5 years ago and now he has passed away. He performed his prayers during these years incorrectly or he didn’t perform them at all because of his illness, also he didn’t fast in these years. Now, what is our duty? Should we perform the qaḍā of the prayers and fasts that he missed or not? PS: the compensation (fidyah) for the fasts that he missed has been paid.

If the same illness led to his death and he was not able to perform the qaḍā of his prayers and fasts then there is no need to perform  their qaḍā. However, if he regained his health and was able to perform them but he did not, it is obligatory on his elder son to make up for them. But those that he had performed incorrectly although it is not obligatory for his elder son but he had better perform their qaḍā.‌  ‌
