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Sort by:NameIssue Number
Issue No. 373Rules regarding Ghusl of Janābah

When Does Ghusl of Janābah Become Obligatory

Issue No.373- Ghusl of janābah is recommended, if it is done for coming out of the state of janābah and becoming ṭāhir but it becomes obligatory for obligatory prayers and similar acts. However, it is not obligatory for the prayer for the dead individual, sajdah for Shukr (prostration for thanksgiving) and obligatory sajdah of the holy Qur'an (when one hears a person reciting the four verses) and one may perform these acts even in this state, even though it is better to perform ghusl for them.

Issue No. 716 How Should One Face the QiblahRules of Qiblah

How Should One Face the Qiblah

Issue No.716- It is not necessary that, while standing for prayer, one’s toes be facing the qiblah nor is it necessary for the knees to be facing the qiblah in the sitting posture. Insofar as one is said to be standing or sitting towards the qiblah, it would be sufficient.

Issue No. 429Ḥayḍ (Monthly Period)

Bleeding Before Nine Years and After Menopause

Issue No.429- The blood seen by a girl before completion of nine years, or by a woman after she has reached menopause is not classified as ḥayḍ, and in case the blood does not come from a sore or a wound, it should be treated as istiḥāḍah, the rules of which were explained before.

Issue No. 1148Travel and One’s Occupation

Guides and Managers of Ḥajj Caravans

Issue No.1148- Ḥajj guides, caravan leaders and executives in charge of ḥajj groups etc. should offer complete prayer, provided that travelling is counted as a part of their job or a preliminary to their profession and this lasts for a considerable period of time [like several months].

Issue No. 259Washing the Face

Obstacles on the Face and Hands

Issue No.259- The face and arms should be washed in a manner that water reaches the skin, and if there are impediments, they should be removed and if it is likely that there is an impediment, one should investigate beforehand.

Issue No. 308Ninth Condition: The Acts Should Be Performed Consecutively (Mowālāt)

The Acts Should Be Performed Consecutively without Any Unnecessary Pauses

Ninth condition: The acts should be performed consecutively.Issue No.308- The acts of wuḍū should be done in such time that it is said that he is doing the acts one after another, and if he does so, his wuḍū will be valid even if the moisture of the previous parts have dried. An example would be when he is washing his right hand and the moisture on his face dries up owing to hot weather or wind. However, if he does not perform wuḍū consecutively rather with more than usual pause, his wuḍū is void, even though the previous limbs may not have become dry due to cold weather.

Issue No. 310Tenth Condition: The Acts Should Be Performed by the Individual Himself (Mubāshirah)

The Acts Should Be Performed by the Individual Himself

Tenth condition: Performing the acts personally.Issue No.310- A person making wuḍū should wash his hands and face and wipe his head and feet personally, and if someone else performs his wuḍū, or helps him in pouring water over his face or arms, or in wiping his head or feet, his wuḍū will be void. However, there is no problem in helping with the preliminaries of wuḍū [1] .

Issue No. 316Twelfth Condition: There Should Be No Obstacle

There Should Be No Obstacle

Twelfth condition: There should be no impediment.Issue No.316- There should be no impediment in water reaching the skin, and if a person knows that something has stuck to the parts of wuḍū but is doubtful whether or not it prevents water from reaching the relevant place, he should remove it.

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آیین رحمت، معارف اسلامی و پاسخ به شبهات اعتقادی
احکام شرعی و مسائل فقهی
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