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Sort by:NameIssue Number
Issue No. 372Janābah

Things That Are Makrūh for a Junub

Issue No.372- The following eight things are makrūh for a person who is in the state of janābah: 1&2-To eat and drink, but if he performs wuḍū, it is not makrūh.3- To recite more than seven verses of the holy Qur'an, even from the sūrahs that contain no obligatory sajdah.4- To come into contact with, through any part of the body, the cover or margins of the holy Qur'an, or the spaces between its lines, and carrying the holy Qur'an.5- To sleep without performing wuḍū.6- To dye one’s hair with henna, etc.7- To put oil or any kind of cream on one’s body.8- Having sexual intercourse after iḥtilām (i.e., seminal discharge in sleep).

Issue No. 374Rules regarding Ghusl of Janābah

Intention for Ghusl of Janābah

Issue No.374- It is not necessary while performing ghusl, to make the intention of an obligatory ghusl nor a recommended one. It is sufficient if one performs the ghusl with the intention of qurbah (proximity to Allah (swt)) and complying with Allah’s order.

Issue No. 404Istiḥāḍah(Bleeding out of Menses)

Types of Istiḥāḍah

Issue No.404- Istiḥāḍah is of two kinds only: qalīlah (little) and kathīrah (excessive). If a woman places cotton in her private part and blood remains on the surface of the cotton wool but does not come out from its other side, whether it penetrates it or not, it is qalīlah. And if the blood penetrates the cotton and passes through it and flows, it is called kathīrah.

Issue No. 409Rules of Istiḥāḍah

Repeating Ghusl After Offering the Night Prayer

Issue No.409- If a woman does ghusl before the fajr adhān (in the case of kathīrah istiḥāḍah) or performs wuḍū (in the case of qalīlah istiḥāḍah) for Night Prayer and offers it, it no more is necessary to repeat ghusl or wuḍū. However, in the case of qalīlah istiḥāḍah if she sees blood again she should repeat wuḍū.

Issue No. 412Rules of Istiḥāḍah

When One Doubts Whether Her Istiḥāḍah Is Qalīlah or Kathīrah

Issue No.412- If a woman does not know whether her istiḥāḍah is qalīlah or kathīrah she should check herself before prayer as an obligatory precaution, and if she cannot, she should, as an obligatory precaution, observe the rules of both qalīlah and kathīrah istiḥāḍahs. However, if she knows what her previous state of istiḥāḍah was, be it qalīlah or kathīrah, she can keep acting according to the rules prescribed for that kind of istiḥāḍah.

Issue No. 429Ḥayḍ (Monthly Period)

Bleeding Before Nine Years and After Menopause

Issue No.429- The blood seen by a girl before completion of nine years, or by a woman after she has reached menopause is not classified as ḥayḍ, and in case the blood does not come from a sore or a wound, it should be treated as istiḥāḍah, the rules of which were explained before.

قرآن و تفسیر نمونه
مفاتیح نوین
نهج البلاغه
پاسخگویی آنلاین به مسائل شرعی و اعتقادی
آیین رحمت، معارف اسلامی و پاسخ به شبهات اعتقادی
احکام شرعی و مسائل فقهی
کتابخانه مکارم الآثار
خبرگزاری رسمی دفتر آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی
مدرس، دروس خارج فقه و اصول و اخلاق و تفسیر
ویدئوها و محتوای بصری
پایگاه اطلاع رسانی دفتر حضرت آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی مدظله العالی
انتشارات امام علی علیه السلام
زائرسرای امام باقر و امام صادق علیه السلام مشهد مقدس
کودک و نوجوان
آثارخانه فقاهت