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Issue No. 223Intiqāl (Transfer)

Definition and the Ruling of Intiqāl

Issue no. 223- If the blood of a human being or of a blood-gushing animal is transferred to the body of a non-blood gushing animal, and it is considered as its blood, the blood becomes ṭāhir. This process is called “intiqāl”.

Issue No. 239Istibrā of Faeces-Eating Animal (the Process of Cleaning a Faeces-Eating Animal)

How a Faeces-Eating Animal Becomes Ṭāhir

Issue No.239- The faeces and urine of an animal which is accustomed to eating human excrement is najis and its meat is haram too, and in order to make it ṭāhir it must be fed with ṭāhir food until it is no longer called a faeces-eating animal. The following animals need to be prevented from eating human faeces for the following specified periods: - Camels for forty days; - Cows for thirty days; - Sheep for ten days; - Water fowl for five days; - Hens for three days.For other animals, it would be sufficient if they are no longer called faeces-eating animal.

Issue No. 234Removal of Original Najāsah

Removal of Original Najāsah

Issue No.234- If the body of an animal becomes najis, it will become ṭāhir when the original najāsah is removed. For example, if the beak of a bird is stained with blood, or if an animal sits on something najis, its body will become ṭāhir once the blood and the najāsah are removed.

Issue No. 242Disappearance of a Muslim

Definition and the Ruling of Disappearance of a Muslim

Issue No.242- When a Muslim’s body, clothes or any other thing which is in his possession become najis with him being aware of it, and that Muslim leaves afterwards, if it is probable that he made them ṭāhir, they will be ṭāhir provided that they are things in which ṭahārah is necessary, like clothes in which one performs prayer, or food and utensils.

Issue No. 257Washing the Face

How to Wash the Face

Issue No.257- What is meant by the face lengthwise, is the distance between the upper part of the forehead, from the hair line, down to the end of the chin, and its breadth should be the distance between the thumb and middle finger; if even a small part of this area is left out, the wuḍū will be void. Thus, in order to ensure that the prescribed area has been fully washed, one should also wash a bit of the adjacent parts to this area.

Issue No. 269Wiping the Head

How to Wipe the Head

Issue No.269- After washing both arms, one should wipe the front part of his head with the remaining wetness of wuḍū on his hand, and as an obligatory precaution it is necessary to wipe with the right hand, and it is better to wipe the head from the upper part downwards. There would also be no problem in wiping the head from the lower part upwards.

Issue No. 272Wiping the Feet

How to Wipe the Feet

Issue No.272- After wiping of the head, one should wipe the top of the feet with the remaining wetness on the hands from the tip of the toes (other than the small toe which it is not allowed as an obligatory precaution to be wiped alone) up to the bump on the foot, and, as a recommended precaution, up to the joint of foot.

Issue No. 279Wuḍū by Immersion (Irtimāsī)

Wuḍū by Immersion

Issue No.279-Wuḍū by immersion means that one can immerse the face and arms into water with the intention of wuḍū or after dipping them into water, to take them out with the intention of wuḍū.

Issue No. 280Rules of Wuḍū by Immersion

Method of Wuḍū by Immersion

Issue No.280- While performing wuḍū by immersion, one should wash his face and arms from above downwards, so, if he makes the intention of wuḍū when dipping the face and arms into water, he should start with the forehead and elbows while immersing the face and arms, and if he makes the intention when he is bringing them out of the water, he should bring his face out from the forehead and his arms from the elbows.

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