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Issue No. 2298Rules Regarding 'Ahd (Convenant)

Obligation of Acting according to the Covenant

Issue No. 2298- Acting upon a covenant is obligatory as it is in the case of a vow, provided that the formula for it is pronounced. For example, one should say, “I make a covenant with Allah that I will perform that certain good act”. However, if one does not pronounce the formula or if that act is not desirable from the Islamic point of view, his covenant is not valid.

Issue No. 2298Rules Regarding 'Ahd (Convenant)

Necessity of Pronouncing Formula in Convenent

Issue No. 2298- Acting upon a covenant is obligatory as it is in the case of a vow, provided that the formula for it is pronounced. For example, one should say, “I make a covenant with Allah that I will perform that certain good act”. However, if one does not pronounce the formula or if that act is not desirable from the Islamic point of view, his covenant is not valid.

Issue No. 2298Rules Regarding 'Ahd (Convenant)

The Agreed Act must be Desirable according to the Religion

Issue No. 2298- Acting upon a covenant is obligatory as it is in the case of a vow, provided that the formula for it is pronounced. For example, one should say, “I make a covenant with Allah that I will perform that certain good act”. However, if one does not pronounce the formula or if that act is not desirable from the Islamic point of view, his covenant is not valid.

Issue No. 2299Rules Regarding 'Ahd (Convenant)

The Kaffara for Convenent

Issue No. 2299- If a person does not act according to the covenant made by him as per the above-mentioned conditions, he should offer kaffāra for it. The kaffāra for breaking a covenant is similar to the kaffāra for a vow, i.e., one should either feed sixty indigent persons or fast consecutively for two months (thirty-one fasts should be observed consecutively), or set a slave free. One is able to choose between either of the first two options, acknowledging that slaves no longer exist.

Issue No. 2300Qasam (Oath)

Conditions of Taking an Oath

Issue No. 2300- If a person takes an oath with the following conditions, he should act upon it, or else, he will be liable to kaffāra (atonement):1- A person who takes an oath should be mature and sane, and in case he takes an oath in respect to his property, he should neither be mentally incompetent, nor should have been prevented by the Islamic judge from making use of his property. One should take the oath with his own volition. Hence, an oath by a minor, an insane person or by a person forced to take an oath will not valid. Similarly, if one takes an oath in a state of anger involuntarily, the oath will be void.2- The act which one takes an oath to do should not be haram or makrūh, and the act for which a person takes an oath to abandon should not be obligatory or recommended. Moreover, if one takes an oath to perform a mubāḥ act, its abandonment should not be better than its performance according to the common perception, or if he takes an oath to abandon a mubāḥ act, its performance should not be preferable to its abandonment according to common perception.3- The oath must be sworn by one of the names of the Almighty Allah which are either exclusively used for Him, (e.g., Allah or God), or by a name which is used for other beings also, but is used so extensively for Him, that when any person utters that name one is reminded of Him alone. In fact, if he uses other names or attributes of Allah which do not remind a person of God’s name without a context, but his intention is Allah, he should, as an obligatory precaution, act according to that oath.4- The oath should be uttered in words. In case, therefore, a person passes it in his mind, it will not be sufficient. And if he writes it down, the obligatory precaution is that he should act according to it. However, if a dumb person takes an oath by making a sign, it is in order.5- It should be possible for a person to act upon his oath. And if he is able to act upon the oath when he takes it, but becomes incapable of acting upon it later, the oath is nullified from the time he becomes incapable of acting upon it. And the same order applies if acting upon one's oath involves such hardship that it is not possible for one to bear it.

Issue No. 2301Qasam (Oath)

Woman's Oath if the Husband Interdicts her

Issue No. 2301- If a father forbids his son to take an oath, or the husband forbids his wife to take an oath, their oath is not valid. Even if a son takes an oath without the permission of his father, or a wife takes an oath without the permission of her husband, their oath will not be in order.

Issue No. 2301Qasam (Oath)

Child's Oath if the Father Interdicts him

Issue No. 2301- If a father forbids his son to take an oath, or the husband forbids his wife to take an oath, their oath is not valid. Even if a son takes an oath without the permission of his father, or a wife takes an oath without the permission of her husband, their oath will not be in order.

Issue No. 2302Qasam (Oath)

Kaffara for Oath

Issue No. 2302- If a person does not act upon his oath intentionally, he should give kaffāra for it, which means he should feed ten indigent persons to their fill or should provide them with clothes, or should set a slave free (One is able to choose between either of the two first options, acknowledging that slaves no longer exist). And if he is not able to perform these acts, he should fast for three days.

Issue No. 2303Qasam (Oath)

Not Acting Upon the Oath Because of Emergency

Issue No. 2303- If a person does not act upon his oath on account of forgetfulness, helplessness or is forced not to act upon his oath, he is not liable for kaffāra. And if an obsessive person takes an oath like, if he says,” By Allah, I am going to offer prayers now,” and then does not offer prayers owing to the whims haunting him, which renders him incapable of acting according to the oath, and if his obsession is in such a way that he does not act according to his oath involuntarily, it is not necessary for him to give kaffāra.

Issue No. 2303Qasam (Oath)

Oath Taken By a Scrupulous Person

Issue No. 2303- If a person does not act upon his oath on account of forgetfulness, helplessness or is forced not to act upon his oath, he is not liable for kaffāra. And if an obsessive person takes an oath like, if he says,” By Allah, I am going to offer prayers now,” and then does not offer prayers owing to the whims haunting him, which renders him incapable of acting according to the oath, and if his obsession is in such a way that he does not act according to his oath involuntarily, it is not necessary for him to give kaffāra.

قرآن و تفسیر نمونه
مفاتیح نوین
نهج البلاغه
پاسخگویی آنلاین به مسائل شرعی و اعتقادی
آیین رحمت، معارف اسلامی و پاسخ به شبهات اعتقادی
احکام شرعی و مسائل فقهی
کتابخانه مکارم الآثار
خبرگزاری رسمی دفتر آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی
مدرس، دروس خارج فقه و اصول و اخلاق و تفسیر
ویدئوها و محتوای بصری
پایگاه اطلاع رسانی دفتر حضرت آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی مدظله العالی
انتشارات امام علی علیه السلام
زائرسرای امام باقر و امام صادق علیه السلام مشهد مقدس
کودک و نوجوان
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