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Sort by:NameIssue Number
Issue No. 268Washing the Hands

How Many Times Is Washing Required in Wuḍū

Issue No.268- For wuḍū, it is obligatory to wash the face and the arms once, and the obligatory precaution is to not wash for the second time, and washing three times or more is haram. “Once” here means to wash the face or arms thoroughly whether it is with one handful of water or several; when washing is finished it is counted as one time.

Issue No. 270Wiping the Head

The Amount That Should Be Wiped

Issue No.270- The front part of the head that is above the forehead, is the place of wiping and it is sufficient to wipe any extent at any place in this part, although the recommended precaution is that the length should be equal to one finger, and its breadth should be equal to three joined fingers.

Issue No. 271Wiping the Head

The Portion the Head That Should Be Wiped

Issue No.271- The wiping of the head can be performed either on the scalp or on the hair that has grown on it. However, if the hairs are so long that when combed they fall on the face, or on other parts of the head, one should wipe the hand on the lower part of his hairs, and it is better that he parts the hair before performing wuḍū so that after washing the left hand, he can easily wipe the lower part of the hair or the scalp.

Issue No. 271Wiping the Head

Duty of Those with Long Hair

Issue No.271- The wiping of the head can be performed either on the scalp or on the hair that has grown on it. However, if the hairs are so long that when combed they fall on the face, or on other parts of the head, one should wipe the hand on the lower part of his hairs, and it is better that he parts the hair before performing wuḍū so that after washing the left hand, he can easily wipe the lower part of the hair or the scalp.

Issue No. 273Wiping the Feet

The Amount That Should Be Wiped

Issue No.273- It is enough to wipe the feet as much as the breadth of a finger, though it is better to be equal to the breadth of three joined fingers, and it is even better for one to wipe the entire upper part of the foot with the entire palm, and if the entire palm is placed on the foot and drawn upward a little, it will be sufficient.

Issue No. 274Wiping the Feet

The Portion of the Foot That Should Be Wiped

Issue No. 274- While wiping one’s head and feet, it is necessary for one to move the hand on them, and therefore wuḍū will be void, as an obligatory precaution, if he keeps the hand stationary and moves the head or feet beneath the hand. However, there is no harm if the head and feet move slightly while the hand is being drawn on them.

Issue No. 275Wiping the Feet

Parts Being Wiped Must Be Dry

Issue No.275-Only the parts that are going to be wiped should be dry, however, there is no harm if the wetness on those parts is so insignificant so the moisture of the hand overcomes it when wiping.

Issue No. 276Wiping the Feet

When the Palm Is not Wet Enough

Issue No.276- If the palm dries, one can obtain moisture from other parts of wuḍū and wipe with it, but he is not allowed to acquire wetness other than this way and if the wetness of the palm is just enough for wiping the head, he must wipe the head first and obtain moisture from other parts of wuḍū and wipe the feet with it.

Issue No. 278Wiping the Feet

How to Wipe a Najis Foot

Issue No.278- If the upper part of the feet is najis and cannot be rinsed, it is necessary, as an obligatory precaution, to place something ṭāhir over it and wipe on it and then perform tayammum.

Issue No. 281Rules of Wuḍū by Immersion

Wiping the Head and Feet

Issue No.281- Since it is necessary for the water that the head and the feet are wiped with to be water of wuḍū, when immersing the arms, one should make the intention that the water running down from his arms after taking them out of the water is all part of wuḍū. Otherwise, the head and feet cannot be wiped with this water as an obligatory precaution.

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