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مسئله شماره Are the Options Of Transaction [Khiaraat Bai] Applicable To Compromise Rules Regarding Compromise

Are the Options Of Transaction [Khiaraat Bai] Applicable To Compromise

Issue No.1848- It was said in the rules of purchase and sale that the transaction could be revoked in eleven cases. A compromise can also be revoked in all these eleven cases, except in the case of khīyār al-majlis, khīyār al-ḥayawān and khīyār al-ta’khīr [1]. It means that after the compromise is concluded, and before they leave the place where the compromise was made, if one of the parties becomes remorseful, he will not have the right to revoke it. Similarly, in compromise on animals, he has no right to revoke the contract within three days. If a commodity is compromised for cash, but there is delay in the payment, the other party can revoke the compromise on the first day, and it is not necessary to wait for three days to pass.

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